Call for volunteers: TreeCorps

The Image Grinnell’s TreeCorps is a volunteering group dedicated to helping plant and maintain the new trees in the post-derecho effort to replace our lost tree canopy.

Are you looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity or just something fun to do this spring and summer? Well you’re in luck, TreeCorps is looking for excited volunteer groups to help us out for both one time events and recurring opportunities.

The 1000+ Trees effort has raised money to buy and start to replant some of the trees we lost during the derecho storm of last year, but we’re in need of hands to help with the initial planting this spring and for a recurring watering and tree care route over the summer.

Here is the signup form!

The specific volunteer options are:

  • Helping with our spring tree sale and distribution (May 1st, 8am-12pm, rain date May 8th)

    • Consists of helping out at the spring tree pickup event.

  • Planting trees , both in right of way strips, and in public parks.

    • Possible assist in transporting tree to location, hole digging, root ball preparation, planting, staking and watering on the day of. Instructions and tools provided.

    • To participate in this we ask volunteers to watch a short instructional video about how to plant a tree.

  • Caring for trees in a recurring tree watering route ( bi-weekly,  May - October )

    • Helping with the watering responsibilities in caring for trees that need more assistance (those not taken care of by specific homeowners). Trees are split up between volunteers, you would be responsible for caring for a few trees and watering them each week. Instruction, coordination, and tools provided. 

TreeCorps will provide you with the training and knowledge you need to fully participate. We’re a group that’s here to make a difference and have fun while at it! Volunteer events will have snacks and water provided and will receive either branded stickers or patches. Also, volunteers will be provided with food and water and logo branded items for participation, the recurring watering route volunteers are asked to wear a provided TreeCorps hat while working as well. For more info and calendar, go to the TreeCorps page of the Imagine Grinnell website.

If you’re interested in signing up, please fill out this quick form to register. 

If you have any questions or would like to talk to the organizers, please contact: 

Bella Kugel (


Tim Ellsworth  ( )


Tree Planting: A Resource Guide for Homeowners


1000+ Trees Grinnell Offers Tree Gifts this holiday season